Friday, October 22, 2010

Promise of an Invitation

Oh, gosh, it’s been SO long since we’ve written.  We’ve sold the house and moved to a small apartment.  We’ve been cleared medically – waiting for dental and legal clearance.  We discovered the North Carolina Peace Corps Association and went to their semi-annual picnic.  BUT – nothing was happening.

Today marks a major milestone for us. We had a scheduled conference call with Kristen Arbuckle (our “Couples” Placement Officer) to “discuss our skills” in preparation for placement. During the conversation we revisited most (or all) of the questions from the Couples Questionnaire that we already answered. Apparently we got the answers right, because we were offered jobs in rural health education in Central or South America.

A written invitation is on its way, and we have a week to accept the offer. We are scheduled to go in mid- to late March. When we got off the phone we danced and whooped and hugged each other. We do have to put up with another North Carolina winter, but we also get to see another season of Tarheel basketball.

Time to call the fam and post on Facebook.  An Invitation (capitalized) is the final YES from the Peace Corps.  It’s a job offer, not just a promise to be considered.  Tomorrow we’re going to a picnic in Winston-Salem with Cathy’s side of the family – the “see off.”  Now there’s SUCH A GREAT REASON TO CELEBRATE!

1 comment:

fmmobley said...

Congratulations !!

My wife and I just received our invitation (Botswana/April 2011). It truly is a wonderful feeling isn't it?